j3sse (Normal)

Skill Rank Value
Kills icon Kills 17,790 571
Deaths icon Deaths 37,744 259
KDR icon KDR 12,552 2.205
Elo icon Elo 16,700 1,331
Current Killstreak icon Current Killstreak 19,479 3
Highest Killstreak icon Highest Killstreak 3,778 60
Skill Rank Level XP
Total Level icon Total Level 2,440 717 38,000,253
Slayer icon Slayer 2,088 89 5,290,201
Agility icon Agility 1,582 97 10,873,348
Mining icon Mining 1,322 98 12,690,136
Smithing icon Smithing 6,799 6 555
Fishing icon Fishing 1,516 94 8,139,875
Cooking icon Cooking 5,154 33 19,770
Woodcutting icon Woodcutting 9,956 58 227,908
Firemaking icon Firemaking 2,383 56 198,460
Fletching icon Fletching NOT RANKED 1 0
Crafting icon Crafting NOT RANKED 1 0
Thieving icon Thieving 19,319 27 10,000
Runecrafting icon Runecrafting 3,447 27 10,000
Herblore icon Herblore 1,263 66 500,000
Farming icon Farming 3,389 27 10,000
Hunter icon Hunter 3,876 37 30,000
MISC Rank Value
Collection Log icon Collection Log 627452 / 1699
LMS Rank Value
LMS Elo icon LMS Elo 40,478 420
High Stakes Wins icon High Stakes Wins NOT RANKED 0
Competitive Wins icon Competitive Wins NOT RANKED 0
Casual Wins icon Casual Wins NOT RANKED 0
NPC Rank Value
TzTok-Jad Kills icon TzTok-Jad Kills 3,974 2
Skotizo Kills icon Skotizo Kills 1,033 11
Corporeal Beast Kills icon Corporeal Beast Kills 6,586 14
Zulrah Kills icon Zulrah Kills NOT RANKED 0
Kraken Kills icon Kraken Kills NOT RANKED 0
King Black Dragon Kills icon King Black Dragon Kills NOT RANKED 0
Chaos Elemental Kills icon Chaos Elemental Kills 6,492 18
Chaos Fanatic Kills icon Chaos Fanatic Kills 1,855 34
Crazy Archaeologist Kills icon Crazy Archaeologist Kills NOT RANKED 0
Scorpia Kills icon Scorpia Kills 5,486 3
Callisto Kills icon Callisto Kills 101 1,259
Venenatis Kills icon Venenatis Kills 3,168 80
Vet'ion Kills icon Vet'ion Kills 1,391 61
Demonic Gorilla Kills icon Demonic Gorilla Kills 8,171 16
Mimic Kills icon Mimic Kills NOT RANKED 0
Revenant Dragon Kills icon Revenant Dragon Kills 1,193 632
Nex Kills icon Nex Kills 814 68
Chambers of Xeric Kills icon Chambers of Xeric Kills NOT RANKED 0
Chambers of Xeric (challenge) Kills icon Chambers of Xeric (challenge) Kills NOT RANKED 0
Theatre of Blood Kills icon Theatre of Blood Kills NOT RANKED 0
Theatre of Blood (hard) Kills icon Theatre of Blood (hard) Kills NOT RANKED 0