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Custom Items ($1K+ Rewards)
Custom Items are rewarded for every $1,000 you reach while donating, there are multiple to choose from and all of them sell for a lot in-game (500K+ PKP).
There are multiple tiers of customs and when you reach a new tier in your total donations, you can pick a custom from that list. You can always pick customs below your current amount, if you reach $5K you don't have to pick a $5K custom.
There is 1 custom for every $1,000 you donate, for example, if you have $3K donated in total, you would have received 3 customs in total.

$1K Customs
You have 60 customs to choose from!

$2K Customs
You have 24 NEW customs to choose from!

$3K Customs
You have 46 NEW customs to choose from!

$4K Customs
You have 27 NEW customs to choose from!

$5K Customs
You have 21 NEW customs to choose from!

$6K Customs
You have 7 NEW customs to choose from!

$7K Customs
You have 7 NEW customs to choose from!

$8K Customs
You have 19 NEW customs to choose from!

$9K Customs
You have 20 NEW customs to choose from!

$10K Customs
You have 19 NEW customs to choose from!

$11K Customs
You have 19 NEW customs to choose from!

$12K Customs
You have 6 NEW customs to choose from!

$13K Customs
You have 9 NEW customs to choose from!

$14K Customs
You have 1 NEW custom to choose from!

$15K Customs
You have 7 NEW customs to choose from!

$17K Customs
You have 17 NEW customs to choose from!

$18K Customs
You have 7 NEW customs to choose from!

$19K Customs
You have 3 NEW customs to choose from!

$20K Customs
You have 8 NEW customs to choose from!

$25K - $50K Customs
You have 19 customs to choose from!

$55K - $80K Customs
You have 14 customs to choose from!

$85K - $100K Customs
You have 23 customs to choose from!

$105K+ Customs
You have 19 customs to choose from!
Custom Items FAQ
How can I see how much I have donated?
Go to the quest tab and scroll down, you will see "Total Donated: $X".
Which customs can I pick from?
You can pick from the customs above, depending on how much you've donated.
Can I swap out my custom?
Yes, after you pick a custom you have 2 weeks to swap it for a different one. (can only be done 2 times per custom).
Can I receive multiple customs?
Yes, you get a new custom for every $1K you donate. So if you have donated $3K in total, you will have received 3 customs in total. (You always receive ONE custom, but the more you have donated, the higher tier customs you unlock)
How many customs are in-game?
The current amount is around 100. It usually stays around that number since we frequently catch RWT (Real World Traders) with customs and ban them.
How much are customs worth?
The prices vary, you can see the estimates above. Please know that not a lot of people can afford customs in-game, so it might be hard to find a buyer, although we can help you with that.
Is there a reward for $500 donated?
We do not have any customs at $500, but we have many incremental rewards that you can view by clicking on your Total Donated in the quest tab!
Can you add up donations from multiple accounts?
Yes as long as all the orders are from you, for example if you have alternative accounts and have donated on them before, you can add all of them up and claim a custom. However, this is not possible UNLESS all of the orders are under the same name, which means you can't add up total donated with your friends.
Can I pay for a custom only and no items?
We don't have any special deals on customs, they must be handed out through $1K total donations at a time.
Can I just get Pk Points instead of a custom?
No that is not possible, we can help you find a buyer for your custom though!
How does the custom process work?
After you have donated $1k, $2k, $3k, etc, you will receive a custom item ticket in-game, when you click on that ticket you will receive instructions on how to get in contact with Gretar (owner). Once you're in contact you will be teleported to a special place where you can pick your custom and ask Gretar any questions you desire.
Any other questions?
Be sure to check all FAQ sections on this page, if you have any other questions, you can email [email protected] (within 24 hour replies, even on weekends).
Custom Yell Tags
Custom Yell Tags are rewarded at $1,500, $3,500, $5,500, $7,500, $9,500
and every $2K after that.
Example of a custom yell-tag.

2 Custom yell-tags.
Price Estimates
Yell Tag: Around 100,000 PKPCustom Yell-Tag FAQ
Can I sell my yell-tag?
Yes the yell-tag tickets are tradeable, if your ticket is not tradeable, just contact a staff member to help you out.
How many yell-tags can I have?
Our current system supports up to 7 yell-tags per player. (::yelltags).
Are there any limits to my yell-tag?
Not much, but anything that could be confused with a staff member, or something very offensive is not allowed.
Can I change my yell-tag anytime?
You can change your yell-tag every 3 days.
Any other questions?
Be sure to check all FAQ sections on this page, if you have any other questions, you can email [email protected] (within 24 hour replies, even on weekends).
Custom Pets
Custom Pets are awarded at $2,500, $4,500, $6,500, $8,500
and every $2K after that.
Example of custom Pets

24 Custom pets.
You can pick one of these pets for your pet ticket.
Price Estimates
Custom Pet FAQ
Can I sell my pet?
No, pets are not tradeable. You can swap it for Yell-Tag Ticket.
Can I pick any pet I want?
We have around 20 pets to choose from, and that collection is always expanding!
Can I lose the pet?
No, you will not lose it on death, and if you somehow lose it, we can get it back.
Any other questions?
Be sure to check all FAQ sections on this page, if you have any other questions, you can email [email protected] (within 24 hour replies, even on weekends).
Custom Zones
Custom zones have been retired, but if you really want a zone and are a $100K+ donator, we can figure something out, just email [email protected].
Example of a Custom Zone

::Heaven, ::zamp, ::ray, ::max, ::atmf, ::hell,
::dragons, ::cleaveland, ::creations, ::pker099